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CAMP - Illness Prevention and Outbreak Policy

To ensure a healthy environment at our licensed year-round drop Off Camp, we have implemented the following disease prevention and control measures. We kindly ask parents and guardians to review and adhere to this policy to help us maintain a safe and healthy camp experience for everyone. Please review this policy with your child and discuss the importance of following these guidelines to keep everyone healthy and safe. Thank you for your partnership in maintaining a healthy camp environment.

Health Screening and Sick Policy
1. Immunization and Health Screening
  - All campers are required to be up to date with all immunizations prior to joining camp, to reduce the risk of exposure to communicable diseases.
  - Please inform staff of any allergies and children's special needs prior to camp start date, so that we can confirm the safety and suitability of camp activities.
2. Daily Health Screening
   - All campers and staff will undergo a daily health screening upon arrival. This includes a temperature check and a brief questionnaire about symptoms and potential exposure to infectious diseases.
   - Anyone with a fever of 100.4°F (38°C) or higher, or showing symptoms of illness, will not be permitted to attend camp.
3. Stay Home When Sick
   - Children and staff must stay home if they exhibit any signs of illness, such as fever, cough, runny nose, sore throat, vomiting, diarrhea, or rash.
   - If a child becomes ill during the camp day, parents will be notified immediately and are expected to pick up their child as soon as possible.

Hygiene Practices
1. Handwashing
   - Campers and staff are required to wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
   - Handwashing times include, but are not limited to: upon arrival, before and after meals, after using the restroom, and after outdoor activities.
   - Hand sanitizer will be available throughout the camp, but will be used as a supplement to handwashing, not a substitute.

2. Cough and Sneeze Etiquette:
   - Campers and staff are encouraged to cough or sneeze into a tissue or their elbow, not their hands.
   - Used tissues should be disposed of immediately, followed by handwashing.

Cleaning and Disinfection

1. Regular Cleaning:
   - High-touch surfaces such as doorknobs, light switches, and bathroom fixtures will be cleaned and disinfected multiple times daily.
   - Toys and equipment will be cleaned and sanitized regularly, especially after being used by different groups of children.

2. Shared Materials:
   - Sharing of materials and supplies will be minimized. Each child will be provided with their own set of supplies whenever possible.
   - Any shared items will be disinfected between uses.

Social Distancing and Group Management

1. Group Size:
   - Campers will be limited to small, consistent groups to limit exposure.
   - Groups will have designated sessions for activities.

2. Indoor Activities:
   - As much as possible, HVAC will be fully operational to allow for ventilation, and air purifiers may be used.
   - Indoor playground will be arranged to maximize space between children and ensure proper ventilation.


Communication and Reporting

1. Notification of Illness:
   - Parents are required to notify the camp immediately if their child has been exposed to or diagnosed with a communicable disease.
   - The camp will inform parents of any confirmed cases of infectious diseases within the camp community while maintaining confidentiality.

2. Updates and Information:
   - The camp will provide regular updates on health policies and any changes to procedures based on current public health guidance.
   - Educational materials on disease prevention will be shared with parents to support efforts at home.

Emergency Procedures

1. Isolation Area:
   - An isolation area will be designated for any child or staff member who exhibits symptoms of illness while at camp.
   - The individual will remain in the isolation area, supervised by staff, until they can be picked up.

2. Emergency Contacts:
   - Parents must ensure that the camp has up-to-date emergency contact information.
   - In the event of a health emergency, the camp will contact the parents or designated emergency contacts immediately.


We appreciate your cooperation and support in implementing these measures to ensure a healthy and enjoyable camp experience for all. 


Contact Information

For any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please contact us at [ or call 973-313-4812].


We're always happy to connect! Reach out to us for questions on our on policies.


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